Final Illustration
The Old Fig Tree
Cinema Arboretum: Series 1
18x24 inch Art Print
Hand Screen Printed
This is the first of 3 prints that were released as part of a self-initiated series of tree portraits. The series serves as a subtle way of paying homage to films and the natural characters (trees) that exist in many of our favorite movies. Throughout the years I have made a number of movie inspired prints, many of which have had the intention of balancing a hangable piece of artwork first, with the movie recognition coming in a very close second. When considering creating a series with this sort of 60-40 look at movie prints, I was sketching and looking at other ideas until I finally watched Pan’s Labyrinth for the first (yes first) time. The obvious idea quickly slapped me in the face- I love trees and I love drawing trees, what not create a series of tree prints using the great trees of movies as a backbone.
Inspired by Pan’s Labyrinth
Cinema Arboretum: Series 1